Tuesday, September 16, 2008

May I please please please beseech you?

Ok, I know I'm an Oprah junkie. I promise I don't belong to any Oprah religion, there is no Oprah shrine in my home, I just connect with many of the causes she stands behind. 

I was horrified as I watched a couple of recent episodes. The first focused on Elizabeth Smart and the story of her strength and how she has overcome unthinkable obstacles in her horrendous ordeal of being kidnapped from her SLC home, IN HER BED in the middle of the night. She was kept captive by 2 monsters for NINE MONTHS and repeatedly raped and molested. I felt so moved by the strength of her spirit,  but i also felt my boiling blood coursing through my body, motivating me to want to DO SOMETHING to somehow...even amidst my feelings of helplessness...somehow make a difference to help STOP THIS ATROCITY happening to the children of our nation. 

I was still emotionally charged as I watched (more like experienced) another episode on child predators. As Oprah shared EXPLICIT details on the evil actions of child predators, I was consumed with emotion. I wanted to scream STOP!! I DON'T WANT TO WATCH OR LISTEN TO THIS!! I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO FORGET THIS IMAGE IN MY HEAD!! Just tell me how to make a difference and I'll go on my way. As I continued to watch, I began to understand the purpose for her candor. By the time I had heard an hour of gut-wrenching stories of vulgar exploits on innocent children, even INFANTS... I couldn't NOT get off my couch and run right to my computer to take a stand. 

SO , the purpose of my post is to inform you of a bill in the senate that will help protect our children. It's a bi-partisan bill that will provide more funding for child predator task forces and law enforcement to investigate and apprehend child predators. It is scheduled to be up for the senate's vote at the end of September, so action needs to happen NOW. Please please please take the time to call, email, AND/or write your senator to STRONGLY URGE them to pass this bill.

It is senate bill 1738 - Protect our Children Act. You can either google it yourself, or read about it on oprah's website: . On this site they have more information about the bill, as well as links to your local senators, and how to contact them by phone, email, or snail mail. Please, take the time to take a stand for something that is important to ALL OF US!! Spread the news, tell your friends and neighbors, there's NO REASON this bill shouldn't pass. 

If you are interested in the Oprah episode that has me up in arms (it takes a force of nature to get me this upset), go to Oprah's website, and you can read about it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Go Go Go Coaster

I love to laugh. It's probably my favorite past-times. I got a fantastic giggle out of these photos, and I thought I might share. All is status-quo as the miniature rollercoaster situated in kid-crazy Toon Town begins...

Maybe you think I'm a mean mommy for torturing my sweet 3-year old on this seemingly horrific rollercoaster. For your information...he BEGGED to go on it again. 2 more times, in fact. I guess there's no surprise Caleb is certifiably an adrenaline junky. 

First day of the last year...

Because Trey is an October birthday, he has had 2 wonderful years of preschool at ECLC (Early Childhood Learning Center), and one last one to go. He absolutely LOVES school. The only thing that he struggles with is not being able to take his newest toy to class to show his friends. This year, his teacher is Ms. Erin. I'm so proud of my preschooler!!

I know I may be entirely biased, but is this not the cutest little preschooler on the planet?

Here's to one last year of preschool. The last homework-free year in the Wheeler household.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip

Treyden and his sweet A, have been friends for what seems like always. Soon after we moved here, nearly 4 years ago, T and A discovered chemistry that's undeniable, even at the age of 2. You call their relationship what you want, yin/yang, girl meets boy, or simple friendship. Look and see for yourself.

Since the unfortunate event of A's parents dragging her away to Chino Hills, Trey has seen much less of his dear A. Trey was beside himself last week when I told him A was coming to the Lagoon. They played as if no time had ever passed.

Ahhh. Young love... 

Mommy surfer hero

I've lived in Southern California roughly 90% of my 3 decades on this planet. I've had a love affair with the world-famous coastline appropriate to it's majesty and allure. I grew up body surfing, sunbathing, and boogie boarding on the beaches of this beautiful state, and I've also learned a healthy respect for the power and intensity of the surf. Nonetheless, my dream of learning to truly surf has remained alive without realization all these years. My good friends, beautiful and amazing Eva, and her abnormally wonderful hubby Mat, helped make my dream a reality. Mat was generous enough to bring a foam board for me to learn, AND take on the responsibility of my boys. Eva risked humiliation and embarrassment galore as she accompanied me out into the surf amongst a dozen or so much more experienced surfers. My body didn't leave my board, but I was able to overcome my fear of wiping out enough to catch a handful of waves into the shore. Thank you, my dear friends for the experience which wouldn't have happened without you.

As I walked freezing and exhilarated back on shore to relieve Mat of bbsitting duties, my 2 screaming children came running towards me. "MOMMY!!! YOU DID IT? Were you scared? Did you have fun? Mommy, you cool surfer mommy. You my best mommy, you beautiful giwul." They were even more excited and proud than I was.

Wow. A notch in my belt for a memory I'll never forget.