Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Pancakes please!

So last week I come into the kitchen on a Saturday morning and witness my sweet husband standing over my adorable Treyden perched on a stool washing dishes. Dave tells me he first helped unload the dishwasher and then proceeded to scrub every dish in the sink. We were both amazed by not only his interest, but his persistence to finish.

As such, I decided I would run with this help-out-in-the-kitchen thing. I decided to introduce him to the wonderful world of cooking. What a better way to ease him into it than have him help prepare one of his first loves, chocolate cupcakes.

We talked about the 4 ingredients and Trey had to remind me that eggs come from chickens, don'tcha know.

Trey kept smelling the batter begging me to let him eat it.

Finally enjoying the fruits of his labors.

Trey: Mom, have pancakes?
Mom: Babe, you had pancakes for breakfast. You want more?
Trey: yeah, pancakes. Trey make pancakes.
Mom: OH! You want CUP cakes?
Trey: yeah! More pancakes!

Trey even helped (and loved it!) with clean up. I don't know how long this willingness will last, so I had to document it!

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