Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Skimping vs Splurging


1. My hair. This is a part of my body I can change with the season (and readily do), so I need a good stylist to keep me in check.

2. Shoes for my kids. I know what a great pair of comfortable shoes can do for my attitude and outlook on the day. I can only imagine the same goes for my kids who pound their little soles into the grass/pavement/carpet/tile at lightning speed.

3. Date nights. How I love that time alone with my sweetie. Since that time is so precious to me, I don't want to return to Souplantation or Taco Bell that we frequent with our clan. My current obsession is PF Changs and their fried rice. (it's even good the day after for lunch)

4. Cleaning Lady. How did I EVER live without her?

5. Car seats. Does this really need an explanation?

6. Disneyland passes. Dave hates the beach, park, and any other activity that kids typically enjoy. Thus on Saturday mornings we live at Disneyland and the only pass that allows us to attend Saturday year round is the $330 pass. Ouch.

7. My car. I love my car. My favorite feature is the remote ignition. When it's 95 degrees and we're heading back to the car after it's been parked in the sun long enough to create a human oven, being able to turn on the car and the A/C from even 50 feet away makes putting my soft white tushie on the scalding black leather seats much more manageable.

8. iTunes. Music makes my world go round. Good music can change my mood from bad to good in seconds. It forces me to move my body and use my vocal cords. My current favorite is Imogen Heap.

9. Target. I don't know what the addiction is. Ladies, help me out. I just HAVE to have that stupid trinket from the $1 spot that I'll never use. My kids HAVE to have a toy to get them through what should be a 10 minutes trip to get the can of formula I need, but becomes a 45-minute perusal.

10. Christmas. For mercy's sake - I have 5 younger brother's and sisters, Dave has 4, not including one brother-in-law, 2 sister's in law, 2 nephews, 1 niece, and 3 birthmothers. We need to come up with a better system.


1. My clothes. It just makes me cry to throw away a top that I've spent any more than $40 on because one of my sweet little boys just puked all over it or grabbed it with raspberries all over their fingers. H&M fulfills my trendy-without-spendy needs.

2. Furniture. It's sad, but our pathetic couches have lasted us through about 10 years of very happy times, and they are dying a premature death. I've grown quite tired of IKEA furniture, but I hate to spend more money on furniture for a "rental".

3. Vacation. What's that?

4. Housing. We love our house we rent. We have been so fortunate to have such a wonderful landlord who gives us a bargain deal on a great house. I'd love to not have wash-me-out white walls, but I can't complain at the rock-bottom price we pay.

5. Pedicures/manicures. How I wish I had the time.

6. Shoes. I live in flip flops and Rocket Dog tennies. How expensive can that be?

7. Underwear. Those of you who know, know. Those of you who don't, won't.

8. Makeup. Since it only gets used about half the week, why bother?

9. Movies. I don't have the patience to sit and watch a movie at home, and I don't have the time to go to a movie in the theater.

10. Long Showers. I know this doesn't involve money, but it's a splurge I desperately miss. Yes, I shower daily, Lame-o, but I have to gate my 2 older boys in the playroom so they don't ransack the house, lay Lucas down in Caleb's room away from over-affectionate big brothers and right about the time I have lathered up my hair, I hear Caleb scream bloody murder and Trey urgently yell, MAAAAAAAAAHM! Go Pee Pee!! I normally last no longer than 7 minutes and I can only afford one leg-shaving a week. Pathetic.

Thanks Nicki for the challenge!

1 love notes:

Nicki said...

I loved your lists! You had really good things listed Just a few comments...

Cleaning lady? LUCKY!
Car seats, that's a good one!
Disneyland passes? LUCKY!
totally agree with you on Christmas, we are in the same boat.
I'm glad I'm not the only one with clothes on the skimp list (I'll have to check out H&M)
Girl, you need a vacation... what's up with Hawaii?