Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Heads up

Ok, Lucas (aka coconut) has monopolized the video section of my blog, but I realized there are very few pictures of him. I do take pictures of my "Dream Child" as Amy Phelps calls him. He's at an age where he changes so quickly, he is almost unrecognizable within a couple of weeks. He's smiling constantly, still laughing at his brothers who become giddy when he touches them, and sleeping 10-11 hours at night. Unfortunately his daytime naps are lacking in frequency and duration, but to cease night-time feedings at 2 1/2 months is a miracle to be grateful for regardless of anything else.

Luke is also holding his head up and checking out the world. He'll roll from tummy to back as well. He holds his huge noggin up so high that if he gets slightly off center, the weight of his disproportionate head pulls the rest of his tiny body to the side and gravity pulls him the rest of the way to his back. His acid reflux is somewhat better. Feedings seem to be improving and he's doubled his ounceage in the last 3 weeks since we took him off the Zantac. I know, huh! We took up his dose because he was still crying and fidgeting between feedings. By his second feeding after increased dose he was scream inconsolably, not sleeping AT ALL, waking up every hour at night, and not eating. When I called my pediatrician, the nurse practitioner was the only one available and she informs me that it's highly unlikely that the Zantac is causing the discomfort, but of course take it back down and slowly increase his dose. Over the next week I try 2 more times to increase his dose very slowly, and I get the same result every time - no sleeping or eating. I swear moms know more than doctors. At Luke's next visit, I ask his pediatrician about his dosage and he tells me that Zantac is made with small amounts of alcohol that can sometimes irritate some kids. Shut the front door!! How is this not printed on the HUGE list of side effects on the dosage instructions from Costco Pharmacy. How is it that nobody informed me of this when I put my child on this drug in the first place? And why in the bloody you-know-what did the lame nurse practitioner make me feel like a neurotic mother for suggesting that the Zantac was to blame for worsening symptoms? FYI: ASK more questions than you think you have to before you put anything into your child's mouth or before ANY procedure done on your child, don't EVER question your instincts as a mother, and lastly, even the best doctors aren't God- they don't know everything.

1 love notes:

Nicki said...

Poor baby boy! I'm glad you figured it out... mom's have the best instincts!