Saturday, December 15, 2007

Choo Choo park

Next to Disneyland, one of our biggest loves is the choo choo park. Now, we must be clear. There are 2 choo choo parks, one MUCH cooler than the other. One is a community park that has toy trains to play in, the other is the WAY awesome Irvine Park with a real miniature train that takes you around the park. My boys love it when the conductor bellows, 'BOARD! They sit more still for those 15 minutes than I think they do when they're sleeping soundly in bed. We decided to enjoy the sunshine today at Irvine Park with the Phelps. After we rode the preview of the Christmas train and saw where Santa comes to visit (we'll have to go back when the big guy is actually there) then we went and played at the jungle gym and, in true boy fashion, played swords and banged on innocent cars with big sticks. 

3 love notes:

Robins Nest said...

You guys look so cute. We miss you.

Tierney said...

Cute pics! Jack is looking at your blog with me and he just said,"She dyed her hair. It looks different." He is such an observant guy. You and the boys look great.

byers babes said...

I love the throw-the-head-back on Caleb. funny boy